————- Drop Database Manually Oracle ———————
1. First get the datafiles, control files and redo log files location
Login to sqlplus as sysdba and execute below script :
[sourcecode language="sql"] DECLARE TYPE string_arr IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(1024); file_list string_arr; BEGIN SELECT t.file_path BULK COLLECT INTO file_list FROM (SELECT NAME file_path FROM V$DATAFILE UNION SELECT MEMBER file_path FROM V$LOGFILE UNION SELECT NAME file_path FROM v$controlfile UNION SELECT VALUE file_path FROM v$parameter WHERE NAME LIKE '%dest' UNION SELECT VALUE file_path FROM v$parameter2 WHERE NAME = 'utl_file_dir' UNION SELECT '$ORACLE_BASE/admin/$ORACLE_SID' file_path FROM dual ) t; FOR i IN file_list.FIRST .. file_list.LAST LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('rm -f ' || file_list(i)); END LOOP; END; / [/sourcecode]
It will generate output like
[sourcecode language="sql"] rm -f $ORACLE_BASE/admin/$ORACLE_SID rm -f +DATA/orcl/control01.ctl rm -f +DATA/orcl/control02.ctl rm -f +DATA/orclstandby/datafile/mgmt_ad4j_ts.270.805385125 rm -f +DATA/orclstandby/datafile/mgmt_ecm_depot_ts.268.805385111 rm -f +DATA/orclstandby/datafile/mgmt_tablespace.269.805385119 rm -f +DATA/orclstandby/redo01.log rm -f +DATA/orclstandby/redo02.log rm -f +DATA/orclstandby/redo03.log rm -f +DATA/orclstandby/sysaux01.dbf rm -f +DATA/orclstandby/system01.dbf rm -f +DATA/orclstandby/undotbs01.dbf rm -f +DATA/orclstandby/users01.dbf rm -f +FRA rm -f +FRA/orclstandby/onlinelog/group_4.368.801307819 rm -f +FRA/orclstandby/onlinelog/group_5.369.801307819 rm -f +FRA/orclstandby/onlinelog/group_6.370.801307821 rm -f +FRA/orclstandby/onlinelog/group_7.371.801307821 rm -f /oracle/app/oracle rm -f /oracle/app/oracle/admin/orcl/adump rm -f /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orclstandby/orcl1/cdump rm -f /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orclstandby/orcl1/trace rm -f 1 rm -f ?/dbs/arch rm -f [/sourcecode]
2. Drop the database using command
[sourcecode language="sql"] SQL > drop database; [/sourcecode]
ORA-02231: missing or invalid option to ALTER DATABASE If you get like above error then restart database and execute command below ………………….
[sourcecode language="sql"] SQL> alter system enable restricted session; System altered. SQL> drop database; [/sourcecode]
3. Delete all the OS files using the commands generated in output before