The script below can be used to check the Disk Group Space Free and also Check Directory sizes for each…
Setup for the Environment ——————- Exadata X4-2 Quater Rack n Primary and Standby Site Grid Version : DB Home…
Configure 12c dataguard broker using the below command onPrimary database server primeprd – > tnsnames for primary database primedr-> tnsnames…
Let’s say you have already created logfiles from Group 1 to Group 8 on a 2 node RAC cluster on…
ACFS stands for ASM Cluster filesystem, which is basically a cluster filesystem on top of ASM Diskgroups. It is similar to…
set lines 999 select GROUP_NUMBER,NAME,TOTAL_MB/1024/1024 as “Total Space in TB” ,FREE_MB/1024/1024 as “Free Space in TB” ,DATABASE_COMPATIBILITY from v$asm_diskgroup;
— Move SPFILE to ASM RAC — Already we have a PFILE called initmove.ora which was created previously from spfile…
In this exercise we will copy a file residing on a filesystem onto ASM disk. [sourcecode language=”sql”] SQL> create or…
We will create 2 standby databases from a single RAC primary database. 11gR2 allows upto 30 standby databases. The most…
Problem —— Error on starting ASM from SQLPLUS or ASMCMD SQL> startup; ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters ORA-29701: unable…
To Configure RAC 11gR2 on AIX 6.1 using ASM. You need to prepare the raw devices like below. The general…
Automatic Storage Management (ASM) in Oracle Database 10g Automatic Storage Management (ASM) is a new feature was introduced in Oracle…