The various security mandates these days required a lot of auditing on the database. Though there are a host of various third party tools and Oracle tools (Audit Vault) available for this. In this exercise we will design a simple login and logout capture mechanism for the database.
1. Create Auditing Table
create table SYS.LOGIN_AUDIT_INFO_ALL ( user_id varchar2(30), session_id number(8), host varchar2(30), last_program varchar2(48), last_action varchar2(32), last_module varchar2(32), logon_day date, logon_time varchar2(10), logoff_day date, logoff_time varchar2(10), elapsed_minutes number(8) ) ;
2. Create Logon Trigger
create or replace trigger logon_audit_trigger AFTER LOGON ON DATABASE BEGIN insert into LOGIN_AUDIT_INFO_ALL values( user, sys_context('USERENV','SESSIONID'), sys_context('USERENV','HOST'), null, null, null, sysdate, to_char(sysdate, 'hh24:mi:ss'), null, null, null ); END; /
3. Create Logoff Trigger
create or replace trigger logoff_audit_trigger BEFORE LOGOFF ON DATABASE BEGIN -- *************************************************** -- Update the last action accessed -- *************************************************** update SYS.LOGIN_AUDIT_INFO_ALL set last_action = (select action from v$session where sys_context('USERENV','SESSIONID') = audsid) where sys_context('USERENV','SESSIONID') = session_id; --*************************************************** -- Update the last program accessed -- *************************************************** update SYS.LOGIN_AUDIT_INFO_ALL set last_program = (select program from v$session where sys_context('USERENV','SESSIONID') = audsid) where sys_context('USERENV','SESSIONID') = session_id; -- *************************************************** -- Update the last module accessed -- *************************************************** update SYS.LOGIN_AUDIT_INFO_ALL set last_module = (select module from v$session where sys_context('USERENV','SESSIONID') = audsid) where sys_context('USERENV','SESSIONID') = session_id; -- *************************************************** -- Update the logoff day -- *************************************************** update SYS.LOGIN_AUDIT_INFO_ALL set logoff_day = sysdate where sys_context('USERENV','SESSIONID') = session_id; -- *************************************************** -- Update the logoff time -- *************************************************** update SYS.LOGIN_AUDIT_INFO_ALL set logoff_time = to_char(sysdate, 'hh24:mi:ss') where sys_context('USERENV','SESSIONID') = session_id; -- *************************************************** -- Compute the elapsed minutes -- *************************************************** update SYS.LOGIN_AUDIT_INFO_ALL set elapsed_minutes = round((logoff_day - logon_day)*1440) where sys_context('USERENV','SESSIONID') = session_id; END; /
4. Check the audit table after opening another session