The “Library Cache Pin” wait event is generally a wait event associated with library cache concurrency. Generally the wait event implies that a session is holding the pin in an incompatible mode.
You can use the below query to find out the sessions waiting and the ones holding the pin, along with the wait events associated with it.
column h_wait format A20 SELECT s.sid, waiter.p1raw w_p1r, holder.event h_wait, holder.p1raw h_p1r, holder.p2raw h_p2r, holder.p3raw h_p2r, count(s.sid) users_blocked, sql.hash_value FROM v$sql sql, v$session s, x$kglpn p, v$session_wait waiter, v$session_wait holder WHERE s.sql_hash_value = sql.hash_value and p.kglpnhdl=waiter.p1raw and s.saddr=p.kglpnuse and waiter.event like 'library cache pin' and holder.sid=s.sid GROUP BY s.sid, waiter.p1raw , holder.event , holder.p1raw , holder.p2raw , holder.p3raw , sql.hash_value ;