If you are going to work on Oracle Database in cloud or in environments where X11 client or server is…
Author Shadab Mohammad
This error occurred in my environment when i tried to create a user in MySQL, most likely you have upgraded…
Oracle has released the latest version of Apex and keeping in line with their naming convention Apex has jumped from…
1. Add Encryption Wallet in sqlnet.ora Location $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin [oracle@localhost admin]$ vi sqlnet.ora ENCRYPTION_WALLET_LOCATION = (SOURCE =(METHOD = FILE)(METHOD_DATA = (DIRECTORY…
Representation State Transfer is the new industry standard of building technology neutral API’s. REST API are essentially web services to…
Mysql is the most popular open database and is the M in the LAMP stack (others being Linux-Apache-PHP) If your…
Oracle Apex is a modern framework to quickly develop and deploy web apps sitting on top of Oracle Database. Apex…
To install NodeJS on a Mac the first thing you have to do is download Brew package manager for mac.…
Install Latest NodeJS on CentOS 6 or 7 ————————————– 1. Add Repo and Install NodeJS For Stable Release:- $ yum…
Quick Integration with Twitter in Oracle Apex 18.1 https://blogs.oracle.com/apex/quick-and-easy-twitter-api-with-apex-181
So you have got your Oracle APEX instance up and running and you want to customize your first app. The…
This error most likely occurred when you duplicated a database and the DB_NAME parameter in spfile is not matching the…
Upgrade from Exadata X4-2 11g ( to Exadata X7-2 12CR1 ( : ASM to ASM Oracle Database to…
— Create ACFS filesystem on 12c Linux Exadata — 1. Create a volume in ASM ASMCMD [+] > volcreate -G……
Source Database ————— ::: Directory Structure ::: ORACLE_HOME : E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1 RMAN Backup : E:\rman_backup_full Control Files : E:\oradata\ecc DataFiles: E:\oradata\ECC…
The Issue We have been running an Advanced Queuing solution for a while now, and with a frustrating regularity we…
Winexe – is a software on Linux which uses RPC to run remote commands and might even come with your…
1. Generate RPM list on Old Server rpm -qa –queryformat=’%{NAME}\n’ | sort > serverold.txt 2. Generate RPM list on New…
— Create ACFS filesystem on 12c Linux Exadata — 1. Create a volume in ASM ASMCMD [+] > volcreate -G……
Oracle provides you two different packages for sending mail. Utl_Smtp package firstly introduced in Oracle 8i and Utl_Mail package firstly…
While installing some RPM’s on AIX we got below dependency error. Now without resolving this error you cannot even proceed…
This post looks like I am jumping on the bandwagon of IT orchestration like a lot of people are doing.…